Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:
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How To: Get drunk without drinking
How To: Sit cross-legged for meditation
How To: Boost your brain
How To: Use the shower to relieve stress
How To: Overcome health anxiety (hypochondria)
How To: Breathe properly to reduce stress and anxiety
How To: Stop being a hypochondriac
How To: Diagnose adult dyslexia
How To: Get a good night's sleep and stay asleep
How To: Deal with prosopagnosia or "face blindness"
How To: Cure anxiety one day at a time
How To: Live with someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder
How To: Improve your memory power
How To: Improve your memory with association memory games
How To: Potty train a mentally handicapped child
How To: Recognize the symptoms of dyslexia
How To: Remember where you misplaced things
How To: Increase your brain power
How To: Control your anger with five simple techniques
How To: Overcome the Introvert Quiet Way of Life
News: Mindful relaxation video
How To: Overcome Anxiety with Supplements
How To: Use a quick trick with your iPod to help you remember things
How To: Sit cross-legged for meditation
How To: Meditate with beginner meditation techniques
How To: Control your anger with five simple techniques
How To: Improve your memory with association memory games
How To: Tell whether you have obsessive compulsive disorder
How To: Differentiate between a fear and a phobia
How To: Sit to meditate
How To: Meditate & achieve deep relaxation & awareness
How To: Meditate for beginners
How To: Meditate for beginners
How To: Meditate with a guided journey
How To: Meditate with a visual guide
How To: Meditate
How To: Live with someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder
How To: Spot the warning signs of mental illness
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